Cider Vinegar Read online

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  Figure 1 shows that the apple is a wonderful source of nutrition, especially of potassium. Apples also contain a surprisingly low amount of sugar – just 8 per cent, and this in a readily digestible form. Apples can be eaten raw. There is a tremendous supply available, and there is no difficulty in finding a great variety because of the amount imported from other countries. There is nothing to touch an organically grown apple, and pure, natural cider vinegar which is derived from fermented, organically grown, apples is a first-class, God-given product for the relief of so many conditions.

  Figure 1 Analysis of an apple

  There is a tremendous lack of confidence in drugs these days. Patients come to our clinic full of fear about the current state of their health, the uncertainty of improvement brought about by taking recognized drugs for arthritis; fear of side effects from those drugs, and fear for the future. Many are told, ‘Learn to live with it’ – but it can be excruciatingly painful, and that in itself is frightening when nothing seems to relieve it. People worry about losing their mobility and also their independence.

  Even young people feel constantly tired – their get-up-and-go has got up and gone. They feel half-sick most of the time. Their vitamin and mineral deficiency is very evident. They look tired, run-down and lifeless. Their skin and muscle tone is bad, particularly the skin over the eyes which prolapses, so that the eyes look like slits instead of being wide open. All of this can be due to a lack of potassium in the diet, or may be due to the side effects of drugs.

  Symptoms of potassium deficiency

   1 Irritability and impatience.

   2 Sometimes a cold feeling all over, especially cold hands and cold feet.

   3 Physical and mental tiredness.

   4 Loss of memory and forgetfulness.

   5 Aching bones and muscles.

   6 Lower-back pain.

   7 Itching eyes, sometimes bloodshot and watery.

   8 Mental fatigue.

   9 Depression and nervousness.

  10 Itchy scalp, dandruff and, sometimes, premature balding.

  Cider vinegar and oedema

  Many people come to the clinic because they have arthritis, have been on drugs for years and are getting worse. Apart from arthritis, a lot of them have hardening of the arteries, angina, high blood pressure and oedema. They tell us that they are taking drugs for these conditions (e.g. water-tablets for the oedema). The water-tablets get rid of the oedema, but in so doing drain the body of vital vitamins and minerals, especially potassium. General fluid-retention may result in swelling of the fingers (causing rings to feel tight), and puffiness of the face and upper and lower eyelids. Our treatment for this condition consists of taking cider vinegar – two dessertspoons well dissolved in plenty of water, three times daily. Also it is important to cut out salt from the diet (salt retains water in the body), and to cut out refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white bread, cakes and glucose drinks, cola and so on. Food allergies produce fluid-retention: wheat and other grains, as well as milk, can have this effect on some people. It is important to find out if any of these is the cause of the fluid retention and, if so, to cut them out of the diet. If fluid-retention persists, the cause should be investigated and a true diagnosis obtained. Invariably, when the patient adheres to the above programme (coupled with the vitamins and minerals advised by us for their particular condition), great results are obtained. Overweight patients lose their excess weight, and become happy, positive people. We have found that prescribing cider vinegar for our oedema patients has been very successful. Cider vinegar is a powerful diuretic: while getting rid of excess body-fluids through the kidneys, it also supplies potassium and other minerals to the body.

  It must be understood that cider vinegar alone will not reduce oedema or overweight without a conscious effort on the patient’s part to control the excess intake of food and of sugary and alcoholic drinks.

  Exercise too, is very important – a gradual build-up is desirable. The overweight patient with excess body-fluid will not be very keen to exercise, but making an effort each day will bring visible results and be an encouragement to do more.

  The diet should consist of raw salads if possible, fruit as prescribed (e.g. arthritics should not have citrus fruits) and plenty of green vegetables such as cabbage, runner beans, spinach and celery, as well as lean lamb, plenty of white fish, cottage cheese and skimmed milk. No hard cheese and no beef or pork should be eaten. These meats contain a lot of uric acid, especially meat from animals which have been factory farmed. When such meat is eaten, a large amount of residual poisons is taken into the system, because the animal-feed has been laced with chemicals (antibiotics, steroids, hormones, etc.).

  Cider vinegar for sore throats

  I have brought up a family of eight children, five boys and three girls. I have had to combat many and varied conditions – childhood illnesses, coughs, colds, sore throats, bronchial problems, kidney problems, etc., including my own rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. I married at 25 and my first child was born when I was 27 years old. My son, Michael, was born with a twisted bowel. Thirteen months later, Christine was born – she had a similar problem. In those days, I relied heavily on the medical profession – and I must say that treatment was excellent. Both children have grown up strong, healthy and intelligent – as indeed have all the others.

  In those days, cider vinegar was unheard of – there was only one sort of vinegar. There was a mother plant in the bottle (‘mother’ being the term used to describe the scum which forms on top of the cider when alcohol turns to vinegar, i.e. during fermentation). Vinegar was then a very dark colour and it was used in all sorts of conditions. Today, cider vinegar is nowhere near as strong or as dark-looking, but nevertheless it has wonderful effects in the treatment of various illnesses, not least of sore throats.

  At the first sign of a sore throat, I reach for the cider vinegar. I put two tablespoons of cider vinegar in a cup or glass, and fill it with cold water. I gargle with that three or four times a day, and drink the same concoction throughout the day and night. My sore throat does not last for very long. For those who do not gargle (i.e. young children), take a piece of lint folded to fit around the child’s neck, plunge it into about 200 ml/a third of a pint of warm water to which two tablespoons of cider vinegar have been added; squeeze it out and apply to the throat and neck at night. Cover this with cotton-wool and a crepe bandage. The cider vinegar draws out the toxins as the child sleeps. I have always used this on my family, and now my daughters are grown-up, they carry on the tradition in their families. They know the value of cider vinegar.

  Viral and bacterial infections are responsible for colds, tonsillitis, laryngitis, adenoids and quinsy. Sometimes, during an attack of tonsillitis, an abscess forms behind a tonsil. The affected side of the throat becomes very painful, and the infection may spread to the ear. This is a very painful condition known as quinsy. There is also difficulty in swallowing and speaking. For all these conditions, the patient should drink plenty of fluids, particularly water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar added. The cider vinegar compress mentioned above should help to draw out the toxins.

  Vitamin C and zinc tablets are excellent for strengthening the immune system and thereby fighting the infection which is causing the sore throat. However, a sore throat can make swallowing difficult – so when tablets cannot be swallowed whole, crush them or use ones that dissolve in water. Vitamin C should be taken, and zinc should be a great help to the immune system. Ordinary sore throats can usually be dealt with at home, but with a quinsy it is wise to contact your GP, because of the possible spread of infection to the ear. The doctor may decide to give an antibiotic to clear the infection and release the pus from the abscess. Whatever the doctor’s decision, the cider-vinegar gargle, drink and compress can be invaluable. Some people prefer to take their cider-vinegar drink with honey to sweeten it.

  Cider vinegar drink

  Add one to two teaspoons of clear honey
to approximately half a pint or less (300 ml) of warm (not boiling) water. Add one dessertspoon of cider vinegar, and drink or sip. (If boiling water is added, it could destroy some of the minerals in the cider vinegar.) This is an excellent drink. The honey is a natural health-giving, energy-giving product, and the cider vinegar has got the power to kill the germs or viruses that are the cause of the problem.

  Cider vinegar for overweight

  First and foremost, to reduce weight it is important to regulate food-intake. It is also important to remember that overweight can be due to many factors: lack of exercise, emotional problems, fluid-retention as a result of drug-taking for various conditions. If the cause of overweight can be diagnosed and removed, a natural weight-reduction can be achieved quite quickly, with a sensible diet and cider vinegar.

  Approximately one third of the whole population is overweight, and those who are have an increased chance of developing any of the following ailments: high blood pressure, heart disease, gall bladder problems, osteoarthritis, gout, diabetes, circulatory problems, oedema. Diet plays a big part in the reduction of weight. The acid-free diet which we advise for both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis achieves wonderful results, along with the use of cider vinegar.

  The acid-free diet consists of cutting out lactic acid, which is found in butter, hard and soft cheese, fresh milk and cream. We ask our patients to use skimmed milk when necessary, cottage cheese instead of the other cheeses, very low-fat vegetable margarine instead of butter, and no cream or red meats (beef or pork and their derivatives). Wholemeal bread is much better than white bread. If the patient is very overweight, we advise two dessertspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of cold or hot (not boiled) water three times daily. The cider vinegar is a powerful diuretic, which drains the body of excessive fluid. The patient must expect frequent visits to the toilet to urinate. This cider vinegar and diet treatment works extremely well, for example, for the relief of bakers’ cysts which can be so uncomfortable at the back of the knee, and daily exercise is very beneficial if possible.

  Cider vinegar for the prostate gland

  George used my cider vinegar and an acid-free diet to get rid of his arthritis. I was amazed when he wrote to tell me that, not only had it got rid of his arthritis but it had also shrunk his prostate gland which had been giving him so much trouble that he was expecting to have an operation. Now he does not need it. His doctor, too, was amazed.

  Cider vinegar for arthritis

  At my natural health clinic, we treat patients suffering from both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. People visit the clinic for personal consultation, and we have devised a postal treatment for those who live too far away. Our patients often ask: ‘Will cider vinegar cure my arthritis?’ I have to reply: ‘I don’t believe in ‘‘cures’’. In my opinion, the body cures itself, if given the right conditions.’ The body is a powerful mechanism which heals itself when treated properly.

  This conviction is based on my personal experience. I have already described my experience of rheumatic fever, after recover­ing from which, I was able to finish my nurse-training and marry. But after my first child was born, the arthritis reappeared and gradually through the years got worse until eventually I had both osteoarthritis and flare-ups of rheumatoid arthritis. Life was pretty hard in those days: no washing machines, no vacuum cleaners, all nappy-washing was by hand, and I was always in pain. The years passed. We had six healthy children who needed a lot of attention. I’m sure that the stress of being unable to look after my family properly contributed to the awful flare-up of rheumatoid arthritis which confined me to a wheelchair, in constant pain, practically unable to move. The medical profession did their best, giving me a drug called phenylbutazone and telling me that I would have to learn to live with it. The drug causes hardening of the liver, so I was advised to take as little as possible.

  It was at that time that my neighbour handed me a book by Dr Jarvis, a medical man in Vermont. He extolled the virtues of cider vinegar in the treatment of arthritis. I began to follow his recommendations, and combining them with an acid-removing diet, vitamins and minerals, I got rid of my arthritis. I have never looked back. I was then 37 years old. I am now 71, and for the past 34 years arthritis has not bothered me.

  We have to fight the acid crystals which build up in our bodies all our lives. Pure cider vinegar dissolves these crystals and passes them out naturally through the kidneys. When these acids accumulate in the joints, the patient suffers from osteoarthritis. Excruciating pain is experienced on movement and there is a wearing-away of the synovial membranes which cover the joints. This results in a crunching and creaking of the joints – a condition called crepitus. There is widespread deformity of the finger-joints, also the wrists, knees and feet. One of my patients had very badly deformed fingers – but having spent eighteen months on the cider-vinegar treatment, she now has beautifully straight fingers and pain-free hands. I have the ‘before and after’ photographs she sent me. She is only one of the many happy patients who have had amazing results. Acid crystals affect the muscles, especially the muscles at the front of the arm. Many patients cannot lift their arms to shoulder-level without extreme pain. The muscles become weak, flabby and powerless.

  Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a streptococcal infection. As a rule, it starts with flu-like symptoms, i.e. sore throat, headache, shivering, high temperature, etc. Cider vinegar can play a large part in the treatment of this condition: in my opinion, if the patient’s body is not full of acid, the streptococcus cannot survive and he/she will not succumb to rheumatoid arthritis. The cider vinegar gets brilliant results with both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis – which makes me believe that acid crystals are the primary cause of both diseases. The number of happy, arthritis-free patients who have passed through our hands in the past 14 years shows what our treatment can do – and the basis of that treatment is apple cider vinegar.

  Cider vinegar is an integral part of natural treatment for the relief of any form of arthritis. However, because the acid crystals have generally been building up for a long time in order to have resulted in arthritis, other health problems may also be present. These may include such complaints as ulcers, hiatus hernia, diabetes, etc. It is necessary to state, therefore, that the quantity of cider vinegar to be taken varies, depending on the individual.

  Start with a small quantity – for example, one teaspoon of cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey (to be omitted in the case of diabetes) in a large glass of water, taken once daily. Once you are comfortable with this quantity, increase to two, and then three drinks daily. Having settled into that routine, gradually increase the amount of cider vinegar in each drink until you are taking one dessertspoon of cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey in a large glass of water, three times daily.

  Diet too is very important, and an acid-free diet should be maintained. Where arthritis is concerned, it is also imperative to take supplementary nutrition – i.e. vitamins, minerals and protein – to compensate for foods omitted in the diet, and to strengthen the ability to eliminate the acid crystals.

  Cider vinegar for headaches

  Almost everybody has headaches at some time. Most headaches are caused by tension in the muscles of the scalp and neck after periods of concentration or stress. Some result from eating problems, food-allergies, or alcohol abuse – the familiar hangover. Some are connected with the cold or flu virus. If a person suffers from sinus problems, these are usually accompanied by a very unpleasant headache. Measles and meningitis produce a headache which is aggravated by bright lights. Brain tumours can also cause headaches, as can a knock on the head – internal bleeding may be the cause. If headaches occur frequently or persist for a long time, a doctor’s opinion should be sought.

  Migraine is a type of very severe headache. ‘Migraine’ means ‘half of the head’, and is usually confined to one side of the head only, sometimes involving numbness or weakness down one side of the face or body. This is all due to the involvement of the
nervous system. Migraines can be inherited, and usually affect people with good intelligence and considerable energy. These people are usually sensitive and sympathetic; they can be fussy, demanding, ambitious and sometimes aggressive. Usually, with the classic migraine, the sufferer gets spots or flashes of lights before the eyes, and often feels nauseous. Sometimes fears or emotions can trigger a migraine. Schoolchildren can be very prone to migraines but as they grow older, attacks may get less frequent and diminish altogether.

  The daily intake of apple cider vinegar helps to correct and maintain the body’s acid–alkaline balance. Two teaspoons, three times daily, in a glass of water, is very often sufficient to ward off an attack; this should be taken every day regardless, with an extra dose if a headache or migraine occurs.

  Another way to use apple cider vinegar in the treatment of headaches or migraines is the vaporizing method: equal quantities of cider vinegar and water are heated together, either in a saucepan on the stove or in a microwave. When fumes begin to rise from the liquid, remove the pan from the heat, set it down on a table and lean the head over to inhale the vapours until you find that the headache subsides. This is a much better treatment than headache tablets which often produce various side effects.

  Cider vinegar for high blood pressure

  Taking your blood pressure is the only means of finding out how hard your heart has to work to pump blood through your body. Blood pressure fluctuates from time to time, depending on what you are doing, mentally or physically (e.g. whether you are resting, eating, or are in a state of nervous stress and strain) – although the brain has to receive one-and-a-half pints of blood every minute. Blood pressure also varies according to the weather: it seems to be highest in cold weather and lowest in warm weather.